Empathy is defined as Identification with and understanding of another's situation,feelings, and motives. The attribution of one's own feelings to an object. Do we know what empathy really means? And do we really have it? Or we think we have it? In my case If I had not empathy then I would have long burned out as a teacher. Iwould be like a star that has burned out to be a brown dwarf! Ateacher (especially a university teacher) is always on fire andempathy for students is just one of the fuels. And still I burn redhot so my students say.The teacher's job is to stoke the fires for amyriad futures (as myriad as the students I meet every semester). Thisis not an easy job. There are a lot of futures at stake and I realisethat some will not turn out to be good. We stoke the fires for amyriad good futures and pray to God that all will be right. And amyriad expressions of empathy is needed at times. I sometimes end the day extremely drained as a result. Am I developing compassion...
"It is surely harmful to souls to make it a heresy to believe what is proved" - Galileo