Let us be brothers and travel this country together
I ‘ve got the US Constitution here in my bag
So we bought some McDonalds
And my friend a magazine
And we walked off to worship America
Crikey! I said as we boarded the plane in New Orleans
Louisiana seems like a dream to me now
It took me 12 hours to standby for flights into the capital
I’ve come to worship America
Laughing in the lounge playing games with the colored faces
He said the Arab looking man was really Osama Bin Laden
I said be careful you may become racially profiled!
Toss me an orange there's one in my carry on
I ate the last one two hours ago!
So I looked at the scenery, my friend his magazine
And the Capitol rose over the suburban fields
Crikey! I’m lost I said I don’t know what liberty really means now
I’m empty and unfree and I don’t know why
Counting the tourists at the steps of the Lincoln Memorial
They've all come to look for America