John Henry Cardinal Newman The Catholic Church is probably the only religion which raises reason together with faith as a standard for thinking and with it, life. And just for that as a way to praising the Divine, she invented the university, made sure this flourished to the present day, nurtured the arts and gave birth to science, the social sciences and modern mathematics. The Church has always had a space for thinkers and that space sometimes was the Papal throne or at least the seat of the local diocese. Two of the recent popes, John Paul II and Benedict XVI are major contributors to philosophy and theology and in J ohn Paul II, even environmental ethics . Benedict is known to follow developments in science. Traditionally, the Catholic universities are the spaces for thinking with or even against the Church. Ah yes! The University, the alma mater studiorum as the University in Bologna, the world's oldest in existence has for its motto. The University is semper liberi...
"It is surely harmful to souls to make it a heresy to believe what is proved" - Galileo